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10 Exercises To Throw Better Punches (Street Fights Or Official Matches)


How to throw a punch. One of the most useful things to learn in my opinion. I have been in my fair share of fights, and I can vouch that punching form, strength, and speed matter a whole lot more than most people think in a casual school street fight. You also need to work on your ability to take a punch, but that's an article for another day.

Granted, I am in no way saying that this is the best way to deal with your issue. I actually feel that it is a last case scenario that you should do after trying to talk it out with them.


There are multiple kinds of push-ups that can help with your strength. I am going to mention my two (technically 3) favorite types of push-ups to help with my punching force.

  1. Plyometric Push-Ups - Plyometric Push-ups are not that much different from regular push-ups. All you have to do is get in push-up position. Start out by doing a regular push-up and ease yourself down. Then, when your going up, instead of going slow, push up with all your strength. The goal is to get your hands of the ground and increase the explosiveness of your punch.

  2. Fist Push-Ups - Fist Push-ups are not that much different from regular push-ups. All you have to do is get in push-up position, but instead of having your palms on the ground, put your fists on the ground. Then do a regular push-up.

  3. Combined - This means combine the two push-ups listed above. Get in push-up position with your fists on the ground and push up forcefully. The goal is to catch air.

Medicine Ball

This is another exercise that is targeted for explosiveness, but it also helps with punching strength. It also works some abs technically, but not enough to be effective. There are 2 ways to do this that I enjoy doing.

  1. Medicine Ball Throw with a Crunch - Many people actually know this exercise from Rocky. What you do is grab a medicine ball and start doing sit-ups. When you get in up position, throw the medicine ball as hard as you can in the air. Wait for it to fall back into your hands, then go back into the down sit-up position.

  2. Wall Ball - While standing upright in your boxing stance, take a medium-weight medicine ball into the palm of one hand and push forward as hard as you can. You can either throw the ball against the wall or have a partner catch it and throw back to you. You should do this as if you’re throwing a punch.


Although many people do not view Shadow-Boxing as the most necessary exercise, it actually is very important. Even if you can't imagine an opponent, it is a good idea to punch the air as fast as you can, because this could increase speed a lot, which could then increase how hard the punches hit.

Tub Of Rice

This exercise is morely meant to strengthen the bones and skin on your hand, allowing you to punch at full strength without injuring yourself. This is very useful, because even if you can break a brick when you hit it, its not very useful if your fingers are pointing in 5 different directions afterwards.


One thing I see in a lot of fights in school and even in boxing matches is that a lot of people don't put their full body behind the force. If you were to throw your torso into the mix, it will definitely increase your punching strength multiple times over! To practice this, do a slow shadow boxing where you turn your waist at the exact same time as you throw the punch. Continue doing it until it feels natural and then speed up. It may take a while to learn/re-learn something like punching, however I doubt you will have much trouble with it if your train it.

Muscle-Ups and Pull-ups

I doubt you were expecting this on the list. Most people don't realize that doing these exercises work the muscles in your body meant to help your throw solid and strong punches. The main muscle groups for Pull-ups are pectorals, anterior deltoids, triceps, etc. Muscle-ups work all of these plus shoulders and it helps a lot with your explosiveness.

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This is the last and most effective method to be better at punching. It works on speed, accuracy, reaction time, and even some strength. Don't worry about it's difficult to get the hang of, the black ball is specifically designed to be much easier for novices. Once you master it, change to the red ball. The red ball is a lot more bouncy, and you may be technically knocked out. You don't even have to go to a gym, just strap the headband on so you can have fun and burn your body out within 15-20 minutes! It is perfect for school breaks, work breaks, and around the house!


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