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How To Build A Huge Neck (For Fighters)


Why You Want A Big/Strong Neck

There are a surprisingly long list of reasons to want to get a Big or/and Strong neck. Although this article is mainly targeted towards fighting sports, like wrestling or MMA, who get hit and may have to put all their weight on their head during a match, I would still recommend the average athlete to read this article.

Having a strong neck could help support/protect the head/spine and enhance posture. The neck also has effect on how you look. Everyone can see it at all times, why not have a neck like a bodybuilder and not one like an average teenager or adult.

How To Stretch Your Neck

If you plan on directly training your neck in a serious manner, which I would recommend for wrestlers and MMA fighters to do, it would most likely be a good idea to stretch it. This will help with your necks flexibility and make it less likely for you to get injured.

Some stretches include:

  1. Looking down with your chin to your chest for 10 seconds

  2. Looking up as high as you can for 10 seconds

  3. Turn your head as far to the right as you can for 10 seconds

  4. Turn your head as far to the left as you can for 10 seconds

These stretches can also help your neck if your neck is sore or in pain.

Weighted Neck Exercises

Dumbbell Shrugs

You may not know this, but Dumbbell Shrugs work your neck a lot (It will work your shoulders a lot though).

To do Dumbbell Shrugs you need to have two Dumbbells. Let your arms hang down and hold them to your sides. Leave a bend in your shoulders for safety. Raise your shoulder (shrug) and hold it for a second, then let it go back down. That's one. I would recommend doing 15.

Neck Flexions (2 Of Them)

1. Lay down on the bench sideways with your neck hanging off the end. Put a towel on the side of your face that is closest to the ceiling. Then put a weighted plate on the side of your head. Lower your head to the floor, hold it a second, then raise it back. You can do it on both sides.

2. Lay down on the bench with your stomach on the bench. Put a towel on the back of your head. Then put a weighted plate on top of it. Lower your head to toward the ground then raise it back up.

No Weight Neck Exercises

Wrestlers Use These Daily

Wrestler's Bridge With/Without Hands

1. Put your back on the ground with your face facing the ceiling. Point your knees up and put your feet flat to the ground. Then put the palms of your hands on the floor next to your face on both sides. Push your body backwards until you are on your head. Balance yourself with your hands.

2. Put your back on the ground with your face facing the ceiling. Point your knees up and put your feet flat to the ground. Push your body backwards until you are on your head. Balance yourself with your neck muscles.

Front Bridge

This exercise is very helpful for your neck muscles. To do this exercise, you must get down on your hands in feet, very similar to a bare crawl. You then lower your head to the floor or mat. Put the weight on your neck. If you can't handle the weight, put your hands down to help yourself.

Neck Plank

This is my favorite neck exercise. What you do is your get in the regular plank position. You then put your forehead on the mat or floor. Raise your hands behind your back, putting all the pressure on your neck.

Some Products That Can Help You

Neck Harness for Weight Training

Price:$25.97& FREE Shipping.

Super Neck Builder



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