"Why should I work legs?"
Like most teen guys, at first I didn't do anything to grow my leg strength. I thought all that mattered was having wide shoulders, big arms, and nice abs. The size of my chest didn't matter to me, but I wanted a heavy bench so I worked chest a lot. It wasn't till I turned 15 till I realized the reason working legs was so important. I didn't realize till later that girls actually cared about a guys legs (and butt) just as much as a guy does. Because of this, I started doing a lot of squats. In Today's post, I am going to be saying two workouts for guys (one with some equipment and one without) and two for girls (one with some equipment and one without). These aren't going to be gym workouts, just things you can do at home to gain some mass and strength.
What is the best Leg Workout
You may need to look up some of these exercises on YouTube, they are incredibly hard to explain without showing them.
Guys (no equipment)
You may not be able to do the workout because this is a hard workout meant to challenge you, but you can take off an exercise or half the reps/time.
Squats = 1 minute
Lunges = 1 minute, switch sides.
Jump Squats = 1 minute. To do this exercise, you must go down into squat position and jump when you are going to stand. Go as high as possible!
Bulgarian Split Squat = 1 minute, switch sides. To do this exercise, you hold your heel against your butt and squat down with the other leg.
Pistol Squat = 1 minute, switch sides. To do this exercise, keep one leg straight and squat with the other leg. It is the opposite of the Bulgarian Split Squat.
Pause Squat = 2 minutes. To do this exercise, pause when you go down on your squat. Hold it to a count of three. Then go back up.
Calf raises 3X = 100 each direction. The 3X means to do calf raises with your legs pointing in different direction. The three directions to point your toes are straight, inwards (point your toes together and have your heels point away), and outwards (put your heels together and point your toes away from eachother).
Guys (with equipment)
You may not be able to do the workout because this is a hard workout meant to challenge you, but you can take off an exercise or half the reps/time. You can pick the weight.
Squats = Do 6 sets: A warm up, 2 build up sets, a max, 2 build down/cool down sets. Ex. 135 lbs, 185 lbs, 225 lbs, 275 lbs, 225 lbs, 185 lbs. Do as many reps as possible for the three heaviest lifts, and only do 10 for the others. (Squat Rack , 25 lbs weights (cheapest I could find), bar)
Leg Press = Do 6 sets: A warm up, 2 build up sets, a max, 2 build down/cool down sets. Ex. 275 lbs, 315 lbs, 405 lbs, 495 lbs, 405 lbs, 315 lbs. Do as many reps as possible for the three heaviest lifts, and only do 10 for the others. (The realistic way of doing this exercise is going to the gym, it cost several thousand for a good one)
Lunges = Do 6 sets: A warm up, 2 build up sets, a max, 2 build down/cool down sets. Ex. 135 lbs, 185 lbs, 225 lbs, 275 lbs, 225 lbs, 185 lbs. Do as many reps as possible for the three heaviest lifts, and only do 10 for the others. (25 lbs weights (cheapest I could find), bar)
Leg Extensions = Do 6 sets: A warm up, 2 build up sets, a max, 2 build down/cool down sets. Ex. 95 lbs, 125 lbs, 145 lbs, 165 lbs, 145 lbs, 125 lbs. Do as many reps as possible for the three heaviest lifts, and only do 10 for the others. (The realistic way of doing this exercise is going to the gym, it cost several thousand for a good one)
Calf Raises 3X = Do 6 sets: A warm up, 2 build up sets, a max, 2 build down/cool down sets. Ex. 135 lbs, 185 lbs, 225 lbs, 275 lbs, 225 lbs, 185 lbs. Do as many reps as possible. The 3X means to do calf raises with your legs pointing in different direction. The three directions to point your toes are straight, inwards (point your toes together and have your heels point away), and outwards (put your heels together and point your toes away from each other). (25 lbs weights (cheapest I could find), bar)
Prone Leg Curl = Do 6 sets: A warm up, 2 build up sets, a max, 2 build down/cool down sets. Ex. 95 lbs, 125 lbs, 145 lbs, 165 lbs, 145 lbs, 125 lbs. Do as many reps as possible for the three heaviest lifts, and only do 10 for the others. (The realistic way of doing this exercise is going to the gym, it cost several thousand for a good one)
Girls (no equipment)
You may not be able to do the workout because this is a hard workout meant to challenge you, but you can take off an exercise or half the reps/time.
Squat = 1 minute
Lunges = 1minute, both sides.
Pile Squat = Do 20. To do this workout, get your legs a little bit farther apart than your shoulders and point your toes outwards. Lower and raise yourself without changing your foot placement.
Side-to-Side Squat Jump = 1 minute. To do this exercise, you must go down into squat position and jump when you are going to stand. Go as far to the right as possible, then go to the left as far as possible when you go up on your next one!
Lateral Squat walk =1 minute. Start in Squat position and walk to the right by taking a side step, then go to the left using a side step.
Squat pulse = 1 minute. Start in a squat position with feet shoulder-width apart and hands clasped in front of chest. Push through heels to raise hips and glutes up a couple inches, then lower back to start.
Donkey Kick= 1 minute. Start on all fours in a resting pushup position. Move a leg up into the air (like a donkey would). Do 1 leg at a time.
Fire hydrant = 1 minute. Start on all fours on the floor with wrists under shoulders and knees under hips. Keeping hips level and right leg at 90 degrees, lift your right knee out to side until your thigh is parallel to floor. (Like how a dog does on a fire hydrant)
Calf raises 3X = 100 each direction. The 3X means to do calf raises with your legs pointing in different direction. The three directions to point your toes are straight, inwards (point your toes together and have your heels point away), and outwards (put your heels together and point your toes away from eachother).
Girls (with equipment)
You may not be able to do the workout because this is a hard workout meant to challenge you, but you can take off an exercise or half the reps/time. You can pick the weight.
Squats = Do 6 sets: A warm up, 2 build up sets, a max, 2 build down/cool down sets. Ex. 135 lbs, 185 lbs, 225 lbs, 275 lbs, 225 lbs, 185 lbs. Do as many reps as possible for the three heaviest lifts, and only do 10 for the others. (Squat Rack , 25 lbs weights (cheapest I could find), bar)
Lunges = Do 6 sets: A warm up, 2 build up sets, a max, 2 build down/cool down sets. Ex. 135 lbs, 185 lbs, 225 lbs, 275 lbs, 225 lbs, 185 lbs. Do as many reps as possible for the three heaviest lifts, and only do 10 for the others. (25 lbs weights (cheapest I could find), bar)
Barbell Front Squats — 3 sets of eight reps. (25 lbs weights (cheapest I could find), bar)
Dumbbell Walking Lunges — 3 sets of 10 reps, each leg. (adjustable dumbbells)
Barbell Hip Thrusts — 3 sets of 10 reps. (25 lbs weights (cheapest I could find), bar)
Bulgarian Split Squats — 3 sets of 12 reps, each leg.
Hex Bar Dead lift — 3 sets of 10 reps. (25 lbs weights (cheapest I could find), bar)
Single-Leg Leg Extension — 3 sets of eight reps, each leg. (It's best to go to a gym near you)
Hamstring Curls — 3 sets of 12 reps. (It's best to go to a gym near you)
Take 60 to 90 seconds rest in between each set.
There are 1000's of different Protein Powder's for sell on Amazon. If you want to gain mass, you need to start drinking protein drinks. I will be writing an article on Protein Powder (link here, If I wrote it yet), but any of the main brand protein supplement companies, like Whey Protein or Muscle Milk, would work.