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The Best Way For Teens To Get A Six Pack


The Six Pack

When most people think about fitness, they think about a 6 pack. Strangely enough, the abs are only a small part of your body. Fortunately, most people tend to be impressed by a six pack just as much as a bulky build. Most professional athletes and male actors have a six pack, and they use many different ways to get them. There are machines that supposedly massage your abs to make them gain muscle, but that is probably not the greatest way to gain strong abs. Arnold Schwarzenegger, during his bodybuilder days, was doing several thousand crunches each and every day. That's almost an hour of just doing abs! Muhammad Ali did sit-ups till he couldn't do them anymore. Most Gymnasts do leg raises to get abs.


What's Wrong With YouTube Tutorials

Like many people, when I wanted to get better abs, I went on YouTube to see what other, stronger, guys were doing to get their impressive abs. The first week or so of doing their workout, I would make gains and I would have the outline of a six pack, but it would stop there. I wasn't getting anywhere near what they had, and I was working my hardest and dripping sweat in the process. I realized afterwards that their diets also had a lot to do with their abs. Like most teens, I don't have much of a say in what my parents make, so I had to figure out a way to get a good six pack without changing my diet much. After doing lots of research I realized the reason I quit growing. My body changed when I did the workout, but the workout didn't change with me. This caused me to get stuck at a standstill and not gain better abs. Currently, I am working on getting my 8-pack, and I hope to get it before Quarantine ends.


What I Did

What I did was follow this workout plan:

  1. hollow body = 1 minute

  2. leg raises = 1 minute

  3. V-sits = 1 minute

  4. Bicycle crunches = 1 minute

  5. Plank = 1 minute

If you are not able to do this workout, that is okay. Work on it till you are able to do it. When you are able to do it, however, we are going to do something different. What most people do is they increase the time to do the workout, but that isn't what will help you gain the muscle the fastest. What you do is you add different workouts. When you are able to do the workout above, add a new exercise to do for 1 minute, until you are spending 15 minutes each day. At that point, you will have incredibly impressive abs! The workouts I would recommend to add are: flutter kicks, sit-ups, crunches, scissors, raised leg circles, side plank (both sides 1 minute), windshield wipers, Russian twists, and body saw.


Equipment That Can Increase Growth!

All the equipment listed have links to the cheapest version of them on Amazon.

To Find These Items, Just Click On The Images.


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