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How To Make A Home Gym With ONLY $200


These are the five items that I believe every at home gym needs. Don't worry if you can't afford all this equipment, I will be putting this in order of importance, so you can buy the equipment as you get the money. You may also have to by more weights as you get stronger, though this setup should last you a while.



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The reason I think this is the most important is because you can do hundred's of exercises using these weights and also because 44 lbs is heavy enough for you to get some huge gains on most exercises.


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My reasoning for this being the second most important is the same as the dumbbells. You can do hundreds of exercises and 100 lbs is heavy enough to last most people a while.


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My reasoning for this being the third most important is because you can do bench press and fly's and many other exercises using a bench. Also, you can make the dumbbells into barbells, which is super cool.


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The reason this is fourth is because it is necessary for you to be able to do squats safely with barbells and because you can do dips on this. For this, if you have not bought item number 5, you can just use the 1st item with the connecting bar.


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Most people are going to be really surprised to see this last on the list. The reason it is last is because the first item on this list (number 1) doubles as a barbell that is only 1 pound lighter than this one. This, in my opinion, made this bar look unnecessary. However, when 44 lbs gets to light, you can use this. Unfortunately you would need to buy weights to go with it. There are some cheap ones listed below this item.

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